parshat Vayikra
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We would expect to read “when one of you offers a sacrifice.” Instead, it says “when one offers a sacrifice of you.” The essence of sacrifice is that we offer ourselves.
The Sins of a Leader
Leaders make mistakes. That is inevitable. So, strikingly, our parsha of Vayikra implies. The real issue is leaders respond to their mistakes. -
Moshe's Private Revelation
Moshe hears the voice of the Lord as God calls to him. However, it is not the same experience that it was at Mount Sinai. it is a private revelation exclusive to Moshe. The great heavenly voice is not heard outside the precincts of the Tabernacle itself. -
A Soul who Sinned against … Hashem?
most the entire Sefer Vayikra and, deals with mitzvot between man and Hashem. The p’sukim in the end of the Parshah, in contrast, deal with matters between man and his fellow man, and the Torah still calls it a ma’al baHashem. In addition -
The HIgh Priest and the Collective
we discern quite clearly that God also judges the Jewish People as a whole and by their collective merits. -
Kabbalistic Twist on Vayikra
Why is the first letter Aleph in Vayikra small? the Zohar explains this issue.
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